Content and Language Integrated Learning

The English case with economics students


  • Rosa Peláez Universidad de Colima
  • Karla Lomeli Universidad de Colima
  • Francisco Haro Universidad de Colima


CLIL Approach, 4Cs, Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture


Content and Language Integrated Learning is an approach which refers to teaching subjects such as history, math, science, or some others through a foreign language. This document is the product of a research which has the purpose to deepen in how the 4Cs (Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture) are developed in a CLIL lesson. This study drew on a qualitative research design in a qualitative approach and on the procedures of the case study method. About the sample, it is constituted by two professors and two classes from the Bachelor’s in International Business of the University of Colima. The research was carried out in Villa de Álvarez, Colima from August to December 2019. Two interviews and two non-participant observations were the data collection tools, and the data analysis was done based on Charmaz’s theory through the platform Atlas.ti. Results indicate that the 4Cs elements are present in the lessons, but on occasions, unnoticeable to the involved participants.





How to Cite

Peláez, R., Lomeli, K., & Haro, F. (2022). Content and Language Integrated Learning: The English case with economics students. CIEX JOURNAL, 1(14), 9–17. Retrieved from


