Perceptions on Voice Recording Speaking Tasks


  • Patricia Nuñez Universidad Veracruzana
  • Jhonatan Lorenzo Universidad Veracruzana

Palabras clave:

voice recording, speaking skill development, teachers’ perceptions, student's perceptions, Mexican universities, grabacion de voz, desarrollo de habilidades para hablar, percepciones de los maestros, percepciones de los estudiantes, universidades mexicanas


Due to the pandemic COVID-19, emergency remote teaching and its emerging online classrooms became a significant area of research. One topic of interest in this area, but also relevant to any foreign language learning and teaching context both online and face-to-face, is the use of voice recording speaking tasks to promote oral production. Nonetheless, there is a relatively nonexistent body of literature related to voice recording applications and voice recording speaking tasks and their value within the Mexican context. This mixed-method study based on an explanatory sequential design aimed to examine twenty-three students’ and forty-nine teachers’ perceptions of voice recording speaking tasks to develop speaking skills in Mexican universities. Likert-type questionnaires, written reflections, and semi-structured interviews were used to explore attitudes and opinions regarding communicative tasks using a voice recording application. Findings suggest that learners and instructors value voice recording tasks. 



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Cómo citar

Nuñez, P., & Lorenzo, J. (2023). Perceptions on Voice Recording Speaking Tasks. CIEX JOURNAL, (17), 17–31. Recuperado a partir de




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