Online Teaching Strategies to have an Effective and Interactive Language Class


  • Sully Carrera Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”
  • Jessica Dimas Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”

Palabras clave:

Didactic strategies, interaction, activities, Motivation, Meaningful Learning


The pandemic has brought many changes to society, but it has been more challenging for teachers and students because education needed to adapt its classes to a new modality, “Online Classes”. So, teachers had to face the new world that is “technology” to accomplish their objectives in education. That is why the purpose of this workshop is to know some online teaching strategies to have an interactive and practical language class in order for students to get meaningful learning.


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Cómo citar

Carrera, S., & Dimas, J. (2023). Online Teaching Strategies to have an Effective and Interactive Language Class. CIEX JOURNAL, 1(16), 63–64. Recuperado a partir de



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