Ethics and English Language Classes

Experiences among undergraduate students.


  • Alejandrina Zurita Sarao Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
  • Irma A. Coeto Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Sara M. Alfaro Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Palabras clave:

Academic Dishonesty, Ethic, academic misconduct, cheating practices, plagiarism, higher education, Deshonestidad Académica, mala conducta académica, prácticas de trampa, plagio, educación superior


The purpose of this research is to know the frequency and opinions about fraudulent behavior among undergraduate English language learners. Facts were collected through a survey specifically designed to gather data and analyze it in terms of severity levels and name the most common ones. Preliminary results show that 32% of students said that behaviors such as copying exam answers or bribing are of minimal severity, while only 19% consider them to be of maximum severity. However, 67% admitted to never having committed such behaviors, while 15% admitted to having committed these acts one to ten times. Finally, only 3% accepted having committed this type of irregularity. In conclusion, results were favorable since the majority does not practice these behaviors, but it is necessary to pay attention to the minority that carries out this type of academic fraud, which is why the analysis concludes with suggestions to reduce these actions.


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Cómo citar

Zurita Sarao, A., Coeto, I. A., & Alfaro, S. M. (2024). Ethics and English Language Classes: Experiences among undergraduate students. CIEX JOURNAL, (18), 31–41. Recuperado a partir de


