AI and Play-Based Learning in Early English Education


Palabras clave:

Artificial Intelligence, Play-Based Learning, Early Childhood Education, English Language Learning, Educational Technology, Inteligencia Artificial, Aprendizaje Basado en el Juego, Educación Infantil, Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés, Tecnología Educativa


This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence and play-based learning to enhance the motivation and vocabulary retention of young children learning English as a second language. Conducted under the Delfin program across early childhood education centers in Colima, Mexico, and Villavicencio, Colombia, this research aims to identify effective AI techniques and game elements that foster language acquisition among three- and four-year-old children. The study uses, an AI-powered educational tool, to provide personalized lessons and interactive activities designed to engage and support young learners. This report presents findings from the Colima case, as the study of Villavicencio will occur once the researcher returns to Colombia. The research highlights the potential of AI and game-based learning to transform early childhood education. The findings underscore the importance of innovative educational technologies in creating engaging, adaptive, and effective learning environments, paving the way for future advancements in language education for young children 


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Biografía del autor/a

Joinner Alexander Rodíguez Delgado, Universidad de los Llanos

Estudiante del octavo semestre de la Licenciatura en Educación Infantil en la Universidad de los Llanos, en Colombia. Ponente activo, participante activo en diversas conferencias y seminarios relacionados con la educación.  Aspira desarrollar una carrera como investigador, enfocándose en mejorar las prácticas educativas y el bienestar de las infancias.

Pedro José Mayoral Valdivia, Universidad de Colima

Pedro is a Doctor in Education by the ITESO (Jesuit System of Education in Mexico). Master in Sciences in Technology and Education by the University of Colima, Certificate for Teachers from the Anglo Institute, Certificate in SCL and TEYL from Exeter UK. 36 years teaching languages from babies (early stimulation) to university students. Professor of the pedagogical and technology areas. Previous conferences: TESOL NY, PBL CHINA, FIG SYDNEY 2010, EDULEARN, ICERI, etc.

Carlos Enrique Hoyos Díez, Universidad de los Llanos

Profesor Universidad de los Llanos Colombia, Mag. Docencia mediada por las TIC, Coordinador Semillero de Investigación technology for humane outstanding teachers, Integrante del proyecto Programa de Fortalecimiento de Estrategias para la Inclusión en Educación.




Cómo citar

Rodíguez Delgado, J. A., Mayoral Valdivia, P. J., & Hoyos Díez, C. E. (2024). AI and Play-Based Learning in Early English Education. CIEX JOURNAL, (19), 47–55. Recuperado a partir de


