Some Methodological Contributions to Language Teachers Who Work with Children from 4 to 5 at CIEX Chilpancingo


  • Sully Carrera Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”


The importance of this research resides on the methodological contributions that are offered to CIEX teachers that work with children ages 4 to 5. It is important to mention that these contributions constitute a practical proposal that could be applied in the language classrooms and help teachers and students to improve in the teaching and learning processes. At this age children have special characteristics and abilities, teachers should know them to use an appropriate teaching methodology to lead them to language learning. So, for these special ages, special teaching techniques are necessary, and this research is going to take into account the theory and the theory on practice available to help teachers to know these teaching techniques and the appropriate way to apply them. This research is going to offer some methodological contributions for language teachers so they improve their teaching skills and children do not get bored in class and feel motivated to communicate through shorts phrases and short conversations.


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Cómo citar

Carrera, S. (2018). Some Methodological Contributions to Language Teachers Who Work with Children from 4 to 5 at CIEX Chilpancingo. CIEX JOURNAL, 1(6), 71. Recuperado a partir de



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